Thursday, September 18, 2008

Stuff I Dig On TV Right Now

It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia starts back up tonight. I'm looking forward to that despite the fact that I don't have cable. If you're like me (you have high-speed internet but not cable), you might be interested to check out It's a great site where you can watch just about any show on basic cable (or network TV) for free with very limited commercial and underwriting advertisements. You have to sign up for an account if you want to watch things that are rated TV-MA, but it only takes a minute. Plus, you get all the free cable TV shows you want. Check out this link to peep full episodes for free, and/or check out a cool clip of Charlie from It's Always Sunny singing his original song Night Man:

Also, my favorite new show of the season so far is called Sons of Anarchy. It's from the creator of The Shield, and it's just as edgy and cool as that show. It's about a motorcycle club (commonly mistaken as a biker gang) and has a great cast. Definitely worth checking out. Peep the hulu link here to watch full episodes online for free.

big ups.

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