Monday, June 23, 2008


Apparently, the middle of June is monsoon season in Charleston. I can't complain tho, because rain is the only bad thing about this last weekend... unless you count watching Italy lose to Spain. I shant be mentioning that again tho.

On Friday, it was raining when I got off work. Palmer came to pick me up, and we went to the grocery store to pick up some things she needed for the party she was throwing that night. The rain really picked up while we were in the store; and by the time we got the groceries in her apartment, I looked like I had just come out of the shower. Ben got the worst of the Friday rain tho... Vanderhorst flooded. Ben came over to Palmer's to chill and eat falafel from Charlie's corner spot. Then we partied, played Rock Band, made up a drinking game with Boggle, and drank lots of vodka. The party was lots of fun. We drank with some of the Charleston Battery players (the live next door to Palmer) and met some other fun new people.

I woke up hurting on Saturday. Palmer and I went to Sullivan's Island with Bochet and Charlie while everyone else went to Schrader's to watch soccer. Monsoon rain hit again while we were at the beach, so we got in the car to go home. 3 hours later, we finally got off Sullivan's (there was a car accident on the top of the bridge that held us up). No worries tho, I had just burned Palmer a mix cd; and we chilled in the car and played dreidel on the dash. I went over to Ben's to play cards and whatnot that night. The steez may have flowed to freely, because by the time we (Ben, Mel, Will, Rob, Schrader, Leah, Tyner, Avery, and Panda) met up with Palmer at AC's, we were very steezy. We all went back to Ben's to after party, and things got out of hand. Lots of great stories there.

Sunday, we went to brunch at AC's, and we went to see The Incredible Hulk after dinner out Outback with Betras, Cam, Leah, Ben, Alex, and TJ. The movie was actually better than I expected. Tim Roth was fantastic. Then home for sleep, and now at the library.

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