Friday, October 31, 2008

Friday Jams (Hungover Halloween Edition)

Wow... I am not looking forward to working at both jobs today and then going out for Halloween. I'm way tired today, but I'm trying to get over that in my usual way (extra hard hip-hop). My Halloween costume still isn't finished, but I'ma get that done at the library and go flip pizzas from 5 to 10 tonight. Before that tho, I'll be listening to Madlib's Blow The Horns ft. Guilty Simpson. Peep:

And how bout Termanology and DJ Premier's How It Go Down. One of the best "gun for hire" beats that Primo has done since MOP days. Check:

Crumblin Erb is one of the most underratted Outkast songs. If you're not already with it, go buy Southernplayalisticadillacmuzik. Peep game:

And finally, Big L and Jay-Z freestyling on the Stretch and Bobbito show in '95. So many great quotes, and both of those cats rocking crazy Das-EFX sing-song syllable slice style. I can see where Pharoahe Monch got his style from. Check it:

I'msoaheadofmytimemyparentshaventmetyet... halloweenweekendrealbig

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