Thursday, November 1, 2007

People I Steez With (part... wait, how many of these have I done?)

This is Mel (as Ashy Larry... plus Bronwyn feelin on the steez). He's a chemist, but I've heard him say that he hates chemistry. That's funny to me (like hearing a squish in the back of a movie theater... youknowhatimtalkinbout). He plays guitar, but he loses at guitar hero (this kid is a walking paradox). This girl asked us if we were best friends last night. We both looked at each other awkwardly and shrugged. Weird moment, reminded me of this book. Real talk tho, Mel (and Harry, Mel's white twin brother and true best friend) are hillarious (here's another phrase inside perentheses, just because I didn't think there were already enough).

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