Monday, September 28, 2009

Monday Wake Up Jawn

Today's wake-up jawn is De La Soul's Dog Eat Dog:

This past weekend was crazy. Hunter stayed with us while Jess had a bachelorette weekend at their house. He brought over his turntables, and we set up four turntables in the middle of my living room:

On Friday, I went to the beer exchange with Bochet to pick up growlers for the practice sesh. Hunter got to the spot pretty early in the evening, and we drank growler beer and practiced until Rob showed up. We showed him some melody samples and drums we like, and he made beats from those samples while we practiced cutting with Jeff. After a late trip to Recovery Room, and a pit stop at D'Als on the way home, we eventually got to bed real late.

Saturday was mostly chill time, another run to the beer exchange, and football watching until Rob showed back up. There were more beats made, and more cutting. Scrunchyface Flatbroke (of the Spaced Invaders) came through around ten with a deep crate. He even had doubles of this elusive De La 12". We blended for a while and just enjoyed having so many heads in the same room rotating on the two sets. Kutter (of UFO/Joeski fame) came through after getting off work around midnight, so we nerded out with a cut session. Mostly, Kutter and Hunter traded four bar phrases over a Rob beat while Jeff, Flatbroke and I bugged out. At around 4 in the morning, Hunter and I realized that we had been spinning for almost 9 hours straight, so I went to bed feeling like my brain would never function normally again. They stayed up until 5 watching cut videos on youtube.

I got a late start on Sunday, but I made it to brunch with Alan. Afterward, we went to the bike shop, did some repairs/modifications on our whips at home, went to kickball, and made our way to the new Moulin Rouge for the open jam.

Needlesstoday... Imtiredasshittoday.

Friday, September 25, 2009

Pics from the ELA Lock-In

I just realized, I never mentioned the Eye Level Art Lock-In that the BGBs DJed last weekend. It was a great time. Here are some pics:


Friday Jams

I think you can always tell how someone's feeling by what they're listening to at the moment. I'll let you infer how I'm feeling today, but I don't think it'll be hard to tell after listening to this collection of el-p songs and productions.

First off, here's el-p with Deep Space 9mm:

And Cage ft. Camu Tao with The Death of Chris Palko:

Mr. Lif's Live From the Plantation:

Finally, here's Company Flow with Linda Trip. If you don't know the story behind this song, Sole (of bitch-made Anticon records... seriously, get off their dick you hipster, they suck and always have) recorded a dis against el called Dear Elpee. El called Sole, got him on tape actin seriously hurt and scared, then flipped it into the illest battle beat ever made and flamed Sole. Best dis record ever made... especially the "he needs me" ride out. If you wanna get the full experience, read along with the song by checking the lyrics here. Enough hype, peep:

Ilovecompanyflow... idontwannabeagainstyouguys... iwannabedown.

Monday, September 14, 2009

Monday Wake-Up Jawn

Courtesy of Hunter (and the J. Rocc mix cd I woke up with today), here's Tom Scott & the California Dreamers with Today:

Bigshoutstoalex... thiswasalwaysoneofhisfavorites.

Friday, September 11, 2009

Friday Jams

Todays jams are all some of my favorite late night songs. Jawns I put on when I get home from the bar and wanna chill for a little before going to bed. Here's A Band of Gypsys with Stop:

And The Doobie Brothers with Long Train Runnin:

And lastly, Help Is On the Way by the Whatnauts:


Friday, September 4, 2009

Friday Jams

It's a gloomy day outside. I'm diggin how the temperature is going down, but I'm hoping for a rain-free Friday. Here's one of my favorite gloomy songs to wake up to; DJ Shadow's Fixed Income:

And here's Cannibal Ox with Painkillers... believe it or not, this is by far el-p's most positive-sounding beat:

And from Raekwon's OBFCL2, here's Hunter's pick from the album; Ason Jones:

And keeping with the classic/gloomy theme, here's Nas with The World is Yours:

Ending on the positive tip, here's Soul Position performing Priceless live in Minneapolis:

Prollynevercatchmetryinaflossorshine... ifyouseemeoutimonmygrind.