Friday, September 25, 2009

Friday Jams

I think you can always tell how someone's feeling by what they're listening to at the moment. I'll let you infer how I'm feeling today, but I don't think it'll be hard to tell after listening to this collection of el-p songs and productions.

First off, here's el-p with Deep Space 9mm:

And Cage ft. Camu Tao with The Death of Chris Palko:

Mr. Lif's Live From the Plantation:

Finally, here's Company Flow with Linda Trip. If you don't know the story behind this song, Sole (of bitch-made Anticon records... seriously, get off their dick you hipster, they suck and always have) recorded a dis against el called Dear Elpee. El called Sole, got him on tape actin seriously hurt and scared, then flipped it into the illest battle beat ever made and flamed Sole. Best dis record ever made... especially the "he needs me" ride out. If you wanna get the full experience, read along with the song by checking the lyrics here. Enough hype, peep:

Ilovecompanyflow... idontwannabeagainstyouguys... iwannabedown.

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