Thursday, March 26, 2009

Check The Show Tonight

In case you've been missing posts (or you just aren't in the know), the Bubbleguts Brothers got another show with ForthNBack at the Black Cart tonight. There was a bit of worry floating around because we weren't sure if Hunter would be able to make the show (our hearts go out to his wife Jess and her family); but all that worrying was for naught. We got a great set planned for tonight, and we're real excited to do another show with Femi, Adam, Jordan, and Will. We haven't performed with them since the fiasco at Johnsons back in late January.

I've been watching DJ Shadow and Cut Chemist's Freeze and Product Placement DVDs on repeat the past few days trying to pick up on how those two ill muh fuckers communicate on stage. I've been trying to see if there's anything I can adapt/incorporate into how Hunter and I get down on the set, and I've noticed that there isn't much different between their communication on stage and how Hunter and I talk. That's encouraging for sure. Any time you can compare yourself to one of the best, it's a good thing. If you wanna check either one of those Shadow and Chemist sets, contact Clay at fifty-two.five and place an order. He got me the DJ Shadow In Tune and On Time DVD/CD set in less than two days on the special order tip, so big em up.

Other than that, I'm just trying to get through this shift at the library without letting my nerves get me all wound up before the sun even goes down. I'm gonna try to stay busy the whole shift (with the exception of a nap during my lunch break) in order to keep myself level. Hope to see you out there tonight, we've been looking forward to this one for a long time.


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