Monday, February 23, 2009

Monday Wake Up Joint

Here's your wake up joint; Charles Bradley and the Menahan Street Band's The World (Is Going Up In Flames):

What a crazy weekend. Friday night started at Cam and Brittany's for the release of their homebrew. Big ups to them for calling the libation Bubbleguts Brew after me and Hunter. We appreciate that to the fullest. Then it was off to Tyner's going-away party. We went to meet up at AC's, but there was a sick line (don't go to AC's on the weekend) so we went up to recovery room. Some hilarity jumped off, some sexy shenanigans at last call (I won't put the parties involved on blast), and Ben and I afterpartied at my spot. I DJed at a party on Saturday with DJ Sonar of the Spaced Invaders and then went home to burn some more copies of the new mix. Sunday was for making more copies of the mix, going out to dinner, and seeing Coraline in 3D. All in all, pretty good weekend (Emily's leaving was almost balanced out by lots of good times).


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